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Showing posts from 2012

Friends, College & A Whole New Beginning

Assalamualaikum and greetings to all my readers! Today I feel like writing something about myself and the people around me. People whom I care about and people who mean something to me. Actually, I am a person who loves being around a lot of people and I think most of my friends know that. Furthermore, they also know for a fact that I love to talk! I love telling stories and sharing my opinions with people. My friends will actually come to me and ask for opinions, support, and at times they even turn to me as a shoulder to cry on. It gives me great joy and happiness just by solving other peoples problem and turning their frown into a smile. But if I'm to write about every single one of them, I'm afraid it'll take forever and when it comes to the 3rd or 4th paragraph, all my readers will already be asleep haha! So for this very post I'm just gonna talk about my life in college and so I gave it the title "Friends, College & A Whole New Beginning." Now why ...

Moment of Truth - What Mom wrote after my PMR

Was going thru mom's blog and found this post she wrote when I received my PMR results. Awww mom, you'll always be the queen of my heart. I love you and what would I do without you (': It was a nerve wrecking morning. I had had another dream and that would have been my fourth, the third with the same outcome. By then I began to wonder if I am in any way related to Madam Zorra. Hmmm….. Nabil’s news came in at about 11 and although I was extremely proud of my nephew, my heart was racing to know how Shaf had fared. Me and hubby only wanted him to be able to remain at the school, anything else would be a bonus. Of course he had set to shoot for the stars. And to add to the twist, the two boys had a deal with their gramps, you ace it all, you kids just tell me where you wanna go. Hmph, lucky kids…when I was 15, my gramps had small kids of his own, but that’s another story altogether… That morning, as with most, if not all SBP’s, or a full residential school, they ...

What I Think About Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT)

Assalamualaikum and hello to all my readers, Well today will be my first time posting a REAL post on my blog (sebelum ni asyik copy paste jee hahaa :P ). To me, this is a good way to actually improve your writing skills. It doesn't matter if its in English or in Malay, as long as there is an improvement it is definitely more than okay! Today I would like to write what I think about the latest "hot topic" out there which is the LGBT case. Apparently a few days ago the Malaysian Ministry of Education came out with a list "Guidelines to identify gays and lesbians". I've searched on google but I can't seem to find any photo of that list from the Ministry itself, instead the most popular photo with the highest SEO apparently seems to be this photo from malaysiakini. Malaysiakini is a Malaysian opposition prone website. Well known with spreading negative stories about the Government and sorry to say, to them (the opposition) everything that the BN Go...

Selamat Hari Malaysia!

16 September merupakan tarikh yang istimewa kerana ia merupakan satu tarikh yang amat bersejarah dan bermakna dalam diri seorang rakyat Malaysia . Ini kerana ia mengingatkan kita tentang tarikh penubuhan Persekutuan Malaysia iaitu pada 16 September 1963. Pada tarikh inilah Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura telah bergabung bersama Tanah Melayu untuk menubuhkan sebuah negara Malaysia yang aman damai dan berbilang kaum yang dapat kita lihat pada hari ini. Hampir 50 tahun telah berlalu, banyak perubahan dan penambahbaikan yang telah dapat kita lihat. Biarpun dari segi infrastruktur mahupun dari segi ekonomi, semuanya telah berkembang secara positif agar kita dapat mencapai misi kita bersama iaitu untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara maju dan berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020. Di kesempatan ini juga, saya berharap agar rakyat Malaysia akan terus bersatu sebagai sebuah negara yang berbilang kaum dan tidak memberi peluang kepada mana-mana pihak yang cuba menjejaskan persaudaraa...

Oh My English!

If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world. After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he'd prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud. Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Tear in eye, your dress will tear. So shall I! Oh hear my prayer. Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. (Mind the latter, how it's written.) Now I surely will not plague you With such words as plaque and ague. But be careful how you speak: Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Cloven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe. Hear me say, devoid of trickery, Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore, Typh...

The Reason Why Moms Are Mean

I WAS A MEAN MOTHER BUT WON'T FEEL SORRY ABOUT IT. To all the lovely mums….forward to your kids…… Mean Moms Someday when my children are old enough to understand the logic that motivates a parent, I will tell them, as my Mean Mom told me: I loved you enough to ask where you were going, with whom, and what time you would be home. I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover that your new best friend was a creep. I loved you enough to stand over you for two hours while you cleaned your room, a job that should have taken 15 minutes. I loved you enough to let you see anger, disappointment, and tears in my eyes. Children must learn that their parents aren't perfect.. I loved you enough to let you assume the responsibility for your actions even when the penalties were so harsh they almost broke my heart. But most of all, I loved you enough to say NO when I knew you would hate me for it. Those were the most difficult battles of all. I'm glad I won them, because in the end ...

Cinta Yang Agung

Suka dan duka ku menemanimu Gelak tawa dan senyum manismu Akan ku pahat di dalam kalbu Hanya Tuhan saja yg tahu Tiada khabar tiada berita Dalam senyum aku derita Menanti datangnya si jelita Membawa berita untuk gembira Siang malam tidak ku henti Tiba suatu gerak hati Cinta yang agung lagi hakiki Allahhu rabbi lebih bererti... Shafique Danial - June 2012

Happy 18th Birthday Adylin Hady

18 is a special number we should enjoy and share, Especially when it’s about someone we care, Adylin Hady amazing and cool like wind in the air, Expressing our love a montage we prepare… A simple something to show we won’t flee When you’re down we’ll try to make you glee It’s like the song “count on me” Deep inside we love you trust me…


Kali pertama ku tatap wajahmu Hatiku ibarat memanggil namamu Akan tetapi kisah tentangmu Membuat aku menjadi keliru Walau kutukkan tidak berakal Hatiku tetap ingin mengenal Akhirnya tidak aku menyesal Sebuah permata yang tidak disangkal Masih segar dalam memori Saat pertama kita berdiri Bertentang mata di malam hari Bagai dalam sebuah mimpi Semakin hari semakin ku lupa Perasaan pertama aku di dada Tetapi semua telah tiada Malah telah menjadi cinta Tapi kini kau sudah tiada Mengalirnya sungai air mata Namun ku redha dengan ketentuanNya Dipanggil oleh yang Maha Esa Kini kau telah menjadi kenangan Namun bukan sebarang kenangan Saat bersama sukar ku lupakan Kerana kau bukan sekadar teman Shafique Danial - June 2012