Just before dinner today at around 8.30 pm, I received a BBM message from a friend of mine who is also the same age as I am. 20 years old this year and definitely not able to vote just yet. Quoting him, "Apa lancau tu support Najib Hahahaa!". So right now, I would like to take this opportunity to give some thoughts on what I feel about all these politics that is going on in Malaysia right now. Malaysia as we all know, is in the midst of the 13th General Elections that will be held on Sunday the 5th of May. First and foremost, I would like to make it clear that I am not a hardcore fan of any political party at the moment and I am not about to become a member of any one of them in the near future. I basically look at things from a big picture and I don't just zoom into one and be biased towards one side. What is politics from my point of view and why I am interested to know about it? Politics to me is a game where people compete among themselves. The most powerfu...
I listen and seek for advices from a lot of people but the final decision will always be mine and I will always stand for what I believe - shafiquedanial