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Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

It's 2014 and I'm turning 21 this year. Apart from the excitement to register as a legit voter for the next GE, 2014 also means that it has been 8 years since I moved out of home. It was in January 2006 that I first started my life outside independently. Although it was close to home, approximately 15 mins away but when you spend more days away from rather than at home, you are basically out. It was a tough thing to swallow at first and honestly until today, there will always be a part of my heart that misses home at every second of every day because when I lived away from home, I never got to do the things I used to do when I was at home during primary years. I would kiss, hug and ask for my parents blessings before I walk out of the door every morning. Those are among the things I do when I was at home and I still remember those days very clearly in my head, it feels like yesterday.

I would love to be at home right now as I am writing this post. In fact I really miss those times when I would come home from school and I would just throw myself onto the couch and catch up with my favourite tv series and stuff but things have changed now. The days when I used to be comfortable living at home, where you don't have to think about the electricity and food because everything is well taken care off is all nothing but a sweet memory to me. Our parents will ensure that we have enough of everything and they want to make sure that they give the best for their kids. But do give our best to make sure that they are happy?

Ask ourselves today, when we are out on our own living independently, how often do we check on them. Calling them & asking them if they are okay and if they are happy? I am quite sure that the majority of us will only call our parents only to ask for money when we realize that we only have a couple of bucks left. Even if they try to get in touch with us, we would prefer to talk and hangout with friends or lovers instead rather than spending our time talking to them. Some even feel embarrassed to talk or show their love to his or her parents in public. What a shame.

Is this how we repay our parents after their years of sacrifice for us? By having all these negative ego inside of us and neglecting them most of the time. How many times do we actually call them just to ask if they are doing fine? These are among the problems with the younger society in today's world. Young people are more keen towards playing with their gadgets that they tend to forget where those gadgets came from. It is sad to see the situation to be like this today.

As for myself, I feel that when I am away from home and when I can't see my parents everyday I tend to appreciate them more. Missing them makes me love them more. When I am alone and I think of those times, tears would fall and my heart just stops. But I tell myself that this is the road I've chosen and Allah knows what's best for us. We just have to believe, have faith, pray and ask Him for the strength to move forward because our parents will always and always pray for us.

Always remember that each second that we waste means one second wasted to be with our parents. They won't be here forever and we should show our love for them while they are still here with us. Don't wait until the very last moment because we never know when their time is up on earth. God can take lives anytime, anywhere. So let us all turn a new leaf and put in extra effort to care about our parents. No matter how busy we are, try to spend some time with them because they're the only parents we've got. Cherish them (':

I love you Mama & Abah. Forever & always...


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