I was laying down on the grass tonight
looking up into the sky and all I saw were the stars that light up the dark
cold night. It made me wonder how amazing that such a small thing like that
could turn the whole dark sky bright. I laid down, started to ponder on life
and I realised that even in our life, there are stars that light up our days and
make a huge difference to us. Everyone will definitely have a special star that
means the world to us. A star that can turn your world around and make you
forget of all the challenges and miseries in life. Whenever we feel like there
is no longer hope for us to go on, a star will always make sure that we keep on
going until the end. Because our star believes in us so much that sometimes
they believe in us more than they believe in themselves. A star that will do
anything and will sacrifice their life for us no matter what the consequences
are. The feeling of having a star around us is just too sweet and
indescribable. No words can explain the feeling of it but as humans we are
always so greedy and ungrateful. We tend to neglect the things around us to
look for something better when actually the ones who really matter have always
been right there beside us no matter how bad we have treated them. Those gems
are the stars in our life. They rarely happen and they rarely appear in our
lifetime but once they are gone, only then will we realize how much we miss
them and how much it meant to us. All I can say is that some people pass through
this world and leave it as they found it but stars like them take time to do
special things that make the world more beautiful. To be honest, I just miss having you around.
Assalamualaikum and hello to all my readers, Well today will be my first time posting a REAL post on my blog (sebelum ni asyik copy paste jee hahaa :P ). To me, this is a good way to actually improve your writing skills. It doesn't matter if its in English or in Malay, as long as there is an improvement it is definitely more than okay! Today I would like to write what I think about the latest "hot topic" out there which is the LGBT case. Apparently a few days ago the Malaysian Ministry of Education came out with a list "Guidelines to identify gays and lesbians". I've searched on google but I can't seem to find any photo of that list from the Ministry itself, instead the most popular photo with the highest SEO apparently seems to be this photo from malaysiakini. Malaysiakini is a Malaysian opposition prone website. Well known with spreading negative stories about the Government and sorry to say, to them (the opposition) everything that the BN Go...
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