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Magically, this photo is on point beyond words. Everyone in this photo, including the baby is looking at the camera and I really think that that’s a smile on his face! Right? 😅
People always ask why I rarely post insta stories, hardly post any photos & actually almost no updates at all on the multiple social media platforms that I have.
Well, for the past few years it was all work, work, work for me and that’s something that is not so interesting to share with people. Occasionally within that period, of course you’ll have certain special or interesting moments but still nothing that significant or or truly special. 
Working in this crazy world and especially in the sector that I’m currently working in, it slowly corrupts your heart & soul. Work eats you up mentally, physically & spiritually. You turn into this super efficient working animal that is in full attack mode. Ready at any moment to execute a special project for our beloved country (well technically I am actually, as my end users are The Rakyat). Sorry but I get all pumped up when it comes about work 😁
But even though my working life was doing quite alright, despite going on a roller coaster of having a job and within a blink of an eye lost it and then slowly climbing back up again, something was actually missing deep inside. I turned into a heartless robot that can do anything for their boss or owners efficiently but actually very empty inside. No heart, no soul & feel no empathy. 
Honestly, I blame no one for this. Not the people who brought me in, not the friends I met along the way, no one. In the line of work that I am in, it is filled with chauvinistic individuals who thinks that with money & power you can basically do anything you want. Your soul is so empty, that it gets filled up with so much negativity. You think every single thing you have is yours. Well that’s the devil speaking, the devil that has been feeding on that empty soul of yours.
Yesterday a close friend of ours got married. It’s been ages since I last met everyone in this photo together but it’s the new year and memang kebetulan I was free so I thought why not right? Plus I have made a promise to myself to slow down with work & all this year. 2020 is a year that I want to cherish life more. So with these people, memang dah lama tak jumpa and a wedding is the best place to “punch card” with all these old friends. It’s the most convenient thing to do these days. At weddings, you tend to kill not 2 birds with one stone, but you kill countless birds with one stone just by putting in the extra effort spending some time to make yourself present at the occasion.
But something magical happened yesterday. I can’t seem to recall when it exactly happened but there was this moment when everyone suddenly had a major ice breaker. Everyone started laughing, giggling and some even laughed till they had tears flowing from their eyes. We started reminiscing the good old days when we were so so clingy with each other (oh yes we were 😂). Really guys, we did everything together. Going back to our respective hostels or houses was just because our clothes were there. That was literally the only reason because no beds in the so called office that was turned into a lepak lepak kinda lounge or space? No problem, we brought comforters and pillows! 
Those were the days. We just had sooo much fun together and yesterday all those memories just came rushing back. This photo was taken at the end of that wedding yesterday. After a lengthy stroll down memory lane & seeing everyone so happy and how well they’ve progressed in life, it actually made me wonder. Because between all of us, gaduh pernah, maki pernah, menangis pernah, benci pernah, tak jumpa bertahun pernah but despite all that we still care for each other. Perasaan sayang tu will always be there. 
I think I have the answer now, it’s because the relationship that we had before was not just colleagues, not just friends but it was a family relationship. Only a family can have that kind of strength to withstand all the challenges we’ve been through. We were like the Drama Club in High School Musical. Initially everyone hated us. There was a lot of heat within the student bodies during our college days. Orang ni tak suka orang ni, ni pulak tak suka group satu lagi and the list goes on. 
But look at us now, few years later after we said our goodbyes (But the fact that I didnt even offer a proper goodbye to everyone when I left made things a looottt worse). Now, most of them are dating, some are engaged, a few are married and one or two with kids. Those yang ibarat adik adik now dah ada anak bini. Those who were so naive and innocent now all grown up and successful. All these things, they tell you one thing. It tells you that you have definitely done some good in your life. What is that good deed you did? Where? To whom? Only Allah knows
Yesterday made me realize how much I miss my college days. I used to be so outgoing, creative, fun, crazy, spontaneous but somehow through the years work has changed me a lot and it sucked every emotions I had left in this poor soul. I used to feel so happy sharing on social media, I used to love writing blogs and traveling and so many other fun activities. These people yesterday, they made me feel happy again. I’m already slowing down at work recently and starting to tell myself that work is not the only thing in life. Spending quality time with your closest family & friends needs to be in your daily routine as well as it helps keep you sane & fill your soul.
And people in this photo are not just close friends, but they are family. Hence a moment like this deserves to be shared and posted on social media. I’m sincerely happy and proud to see everyone yesterday. However I’m only human so along the way there are definitely times when I was wrong and I admit my mistakes. To the people I’ve hurt, to the ones I’ve forgotten, I humbly apologize and seek your forgiveness. Kerana insan ini hanya sekadar seorang manusia biasa yang tanpa kawan & keluarga diri ini tiada apa. What I have today, where I am today, I owe it all to my closest family & friends.
Cause the drinks bring back all the memories and the memories bring back, memories bring back you. Cheers guys, we made it after all. Against all odds, people can say whatever they want but we made it. Salud Mi Familia! 🍻

2020 and beyond, a new beginning. InsyaAllah. 



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