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A Love Letter For Those Who Have Not

 Wahai saudara-saudaraku, seorang Presiden Amerika Syarikat pernah berkata;

“Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for you country” 

Yang tahu siapa, bagus kerana kemungkinan besar anda seorang yang cakna. Dan seorang yang cakna atau erti kata lain seorang yang mengambil berat terhadap sekelilingnya, juga selalunya seorang yang mempunyai sifat “empathy” yang tinggi. Maka yang tak tahu apa apa langsung, sila lah google, noktah. 

However thank you social media for giving us a false impression of being cakna towards our surroundings. Thank you for making it convenient for us to show off and thank you for always showing us that this duniya life is wonderful like a bed of roses. And the result of it, we too have been bluffed by social media. 

And amongst the biggest lie ever is for us to see how easy the job of a YB is, how fun the job of a healthcare worker is and how safe the job of a delivery guy is. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and even had the chance to experience some of it and they are just not. A YB has money but they are lonely. A doctor saves lives but risk theirs. A delivery guy has time but no money. What more those who have none of the above during these trying times?

Parliament 2017 - 2019

Healthcare 2019 - 2021

Grab Rider 2021

No matter what their intentions are, these days their battles are one of the toughest and craziest ones. Hence why God chose them and not us. After all, duniya ni memang ujian pun kan? So for us as normal citizens, be kind. Be kind with our words, be kind with our actions, most importantly be kind with our own thoughts as it will affect our actions too.

Be kind and be cakna about our surroundings. Feel a bit of everything. Feel the amanah on the shoulders of a YB, feel the exhaustion of our healthcare workers, feel the disappointment of our delivery troopers. Feel for them. Because that was why I took my vaccine.

It may hurt a little, it may not be the best cure to whatever shit that’s around, it may not be God sent, but it is definitely a lot of human effort being put in locally and globally from all different races and religions across the board. And the only way we can end this pain is by being kind. 

So to my fellow Malaysians and to all citizens of the world, the least you can do for your country right now is to take your vaccine as soon as possible. Badan kita pinjaman Tuhan, mintak izin pada Tuhan, berdoa pada Tuhan dan berjuanglah demi negara mu. Kalau zaman zaman nabi dahulu, bukan semua rakyat terlibat tetapi pahlawan dahulu kala berjuang bergadai nyawa, bertumpah darah. Kita sekarang dah mudah, dah IR4.0.

Soal jiwa jangan sedih, jangan khuatir. La tahzan, innAllaha ma’ana. Lupakah kita dengan sejarah? Walaupun tentera kita dahulu jauh sikit berbanding pihak lawan tetapi berulang kali dengan izin Yang Maha Esa, kejayaan milik kita. Yang kalah pun adalah kerana ada yang tidak taat pada arahan pemimpin di kalangan mereka. Belajarlah kita daripada sejarah, ambillah ibrah daripada sirah-sirah itu.

Walaupun perang kali ini, kejayaan belum milik kita namun ianya telah dipermudahkan. Perjuangan kita pada hari ini tidak lagi memerlukan kita ke medan perang cuma memerlukan perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang kecil. Malangnya pengorbanan ini memerlukan pengorbanan daripada semua rakyat. Berhusnudzon lah, pasti ada hikmah sebalik kenapa kita yang dipilih Tuhan untuk hidup di zaman quantity over quality.

Allah berfirman dalam Surah An-Nisa ayat 59 yang bermaksud, “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, taatlah kamu kepada Allah, taatlah kamu kepada Rasulullah dan kepada Ulil Amri (orang-orang yang berkuasa/pemimpin) di kalangan kamu. 

Nabi dah tak ada, Sahabat dan tak ada, jadi kalau kita tak taat pada Ulil Amri kita, kita nak ikut siapa? Jangan kerana kita, agama kita dihina, jangan kerana kita, tanah air kita dihina, jangan kerana kita, keluarga kita dikata. Dan paling utama, jangan kerana kita, mereka mendapat peluang mengeji Tuhan kita. 

May sound funny but usaha kita untuk perang kali ini hanyalah untuk cucukmyaz (bagi saya lah, sebab saya dapat AZ). But when you think of others apart from ourselves and the ones we care about, pegi lah cucuk your az. Tapi kalau dah lambat tu, cucuk je lah mana mana kau nak cucuk asalkan cucuk, dan cucuk yang paling cepat. Dah la lambat, memilih pulak tu!

Kenyang dibuatnya perangai orang Malaysia ni. Tapi nak buat macam mana, orang kata cinta itu buta and there are things in life that’s worth fighting for, worth saving and worth staying. The Americans may say their country is the best but there’s no country like Malaysia and there’s no place like home. And that home that is seen as a developing country globally may just fall into a 3rd world state soon. Well, there’s nothing wrong about it, but there’s gonna be more hard work. So yeaaa, good luck Malaysia.

And don’t get me started on how sad it is seeing people who want to take the vaccine, people who want to stay safe, want to keep their families and those they love safe but just can’t because of documentation problems. Please Malaysians, kau dibolehkan dapat vaccine pun sebenarnya satu rezeki. Please respect other people’s time and effort. Don’t be selfish, cause we never were and I hope never will we be!


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