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Global Beatles Day 2022

The Beatles, probably one of the most - if not the most influential - music band in modern history, created music that has been so evergreen that it has stood strong throughout time. People from all walks of life enjoy the band's music so much that it can put a smile on their faces. Some turn to their music, seeking refuge in their songs, away from this fast paced and sometimes vicious world. 

Global Beatles Day 2022 was celebrated on June 25... and even though it has passed, just like songs from The Beatles, it can be enjoyed whenever, wherever. BASKL has prepared a playlist of 10 Beatles song and have been chosen specifically in a manner to be enjoyed from the first song to the 10th song in sequence. It also symbolises that their songs are always about their journey in life and most often a kind and loving message to be conveyed to the masses. 

  • Eleanor Rigby
Let’s start with a song called Eleanor Rigby. The first verse of the song is “Ah, look at all the lonely people”, and the idea of it did not come from either McCartney nor Lennon, but it came from their guitarist George Harrison. Eleanor Rigby is such a unique song telling a story of an old lady who eventually dies alone leaving no human being who would mourn her death and she dies together with her name. When she dies, the father at the church who also leads a rather lonely life prepares a sermon but no one is there to witness it. 

The appearance of The Beatles was hugely influenced by post World War 2 and interestingly enough, this relates so much to what is currently happening in the present post pandemic era. We see so many people who lead such a lonely and tough life, scrapping to the bottom of the barrel for a meal and not having anyone to share the meal with. However another lesson we can learn from this song is that having a friend matters too. Eleanor Rigby was born out of collaboration and togetherness from each and every member of the group to produce something so beautiful that still stands till today.

  • Let It Be
Next song on the playlist is Let It Be. The song starts with the line, “when I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be”. This song was written by Paul McCartney in 1968 when he kind of knew that the greatest band of all time was about to go on their separate ways and he did quote in many articles that it was indeed tough times. As a man, there is no one more comforting that a mother’s love and according to McCartney he saw his mother whose name is in fact Mary, came to him in his dream. At that time, Mary had already left him for good for the past 10 years.

No one truly knows what really happened in this lucid dream of his but one thing for sure is that this song now stands as such a comforting song for lost souls. People who just needs to listen to a song that would give them a pat on their back to say that it’s okay not to be okay and to just let it be, things that we cannot control just let it be. Sometimes when things are tough, it might leave you feeling melancholy but always believe that tough times don’t last but tough people do and just like melodies from The Beatles, they last for a lifetime.

  • Hey Jude
Next on the BASKL’s Global Beatles Day playlist is Hey Jude. As many of us know, Paul McCartney and John Lennon were such close friends and the song was written by McCartney to comfort Lennon’s son as his dad was going through a divorce. The song was initially written “Hey Jules” as Lennon’s son is Julian and the song eventually evolved into Hey Jude. The lyrics of the song was written with a comforting mindset telling Julian to see the positive outlook of a sad situation. 

Take a sad song and make it better, a verse taken from the song Hey Jude is McCartney’s way of comforting, at that time a very young Julian who sees his father leaving his biological mother for another woman. This comforting song is so relatable today as the number of divorces increased rapidly during the lockdown and there will be many parents who will find it hard to explain the situation to their kids. Explaining is important, but be creative like McCartney as he expressed it through songs and lending a helping hand for the son of his beloved friend Lennon.

  • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Now that we have taken some time to ponder on life and even shed a tear or two reminiscing the past, next on the playlist is Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da which means life goes on. Although it is still not quite clear as to how the term truly originated, but apparently it comes from an African community called Yoruba and is one of the main languages spoken in Nigeria. McCartney first heard the phrase from a friend of his who originates from Nigeria and it was also during a time when they were venturing to explore an African, reggae type of musical genre. 

Personally, this song feels like a really great bounce back song to jump start your life and move out of a very dark space that you were once in. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da gives you that sense of hope and gets your body moving to the groove. The lyrics, the melody and even the mood of the song gives you the vibe that life sucks, life ain’t fair but that’s just life and sometimes we have to find creative ways to lift ourselves again. In life there will be things that bring you down but hey, cheer up and smile because you are not alone. 

  • Penny Lane
Speaking of not being alone in this world, next up is Penny Lane which is a song about the place where Lennon and McCartney used to rendezvous before heading to anywhere the two best friends wanted to go. Years ago, there used to be a Penny Lane bus stop and while the young boys were sitting down waiting for the next bus to come, they witnessed multiple events that they eventually turned into this classic hit. 

There was a barbershop that portrays photos of their customers, a nurse selling poppy tarts and even a fireman who likes to keep his fire engine clean. It still amazes me how McCartney and Lennon can just observe something so simple yet turn it into a masterpiece. I guess that's the true perfect example of "when life gives you lemons, you turn it into lemonade". We've heard it but they've done it!

  • Yellow Submarine
When you have found a true best friend that just clicks and vibes with you, that ecstatic feeling inside is just absolutely over the moon. You feel like nothing else matters in this world and you literally feel like living in a yellow submarine. That was what this song was about. The Beatles, they were so comfortable and happy being together and felt like they were living inside this yellow submarine away from everything else in the world. 

Another thing that is interesting about the Yellow Submarine is the tunes that are included into the melody of the song. There are sounds of waves, clinging glasses, loud horns and even a ship captain saying "full steam ahead!" The Beatles manages to capture all these unique sounds into a song that portrays the life of people living in their own bubble and hopefully it is a bubble that you love and feel warm. 

  • All You Need Is Love
We are heading towards the final few songs on this BASKL's Global Beatles Day playlist and next up is All You Need Is Love. Take a deep thought and think about it, where in the world would you find a song that starts with a national anthem? But as usual, The Beatles did it with the song All You Need Is Love using the French national anthem as the opening tune for the song. During that time, the anti-war movement was going strong.

The first time the public listened to the song was on June 25, 1967 where there was a six-hour long live TV broadcast special called the "One World" project to promote love and peace. The Beatles were representing Britain in a project that featured music from six different continents, where all came together as one to promote the cause. The message was loud and clear then, it is still loud and clear now. Sometimes, all you need to get through life is love.

  • Don’t Let Me Down
When we talk about love, it goes way beyond caring for another person. Love makes you do crazy things and sometimes it leaves you being vulnerable that you just surrender to a higher power and hope everything turns out alright. In this case, John Lennon who was so madly in love with his new flame, the famous Yoko Ono from Japan and he too, like many other was just feeling vulnerable and deeply in love that he just had to write this love song for Ono.

You can just imagine the intensity and depth of his love, the cry for help as Lennon enters his second marriage when the verse "don't let me down" is being repeated over and over again throughout the entire song. He desperately needs that tender, loving, care that Ono provides for him and he wants that to stay for as long as it can. Some may think that Lennon is just overboard but it might be one of the sweetest thing a man could do for a woman he loves.

  • I Will
Nothing beats a continued affirmation for your love towards another person and I Will sums up what a great love song needs to be. Repeated verses of the person saying that he loves her forever and ever and loves her with all his heart is such a heart-warming feeling for a woman to have. Although at the start of the song, the singer doesn't know the girl's name but it ends with saying that he loves her an eternity. That's what love at first sight does to you, you just know it.

I Will was written when The Beatles went to India together. The melody of the song is just so simple yet it gives you that warm and tender vibe and there is almost no possible way that this song would make you shed tears. McCartney has said it a number of times that the melody to this song remains as one of his favourite and it is quite clear why he thinks that way. A sweet and simple love song that lives on until today. 

  • Good Night
Last but not least, the 10th and final song on the BASKL's Global Beatles Day playlist is Good Night, one of the few songs that Ringo Starr was the only vocals for the song. The song was actually written by John Lennon for his son Julian, however Julian did not know of this until more than 10 years after the release of this song. It is a true show of love from a father to his son. When you love, you show it and not just say it.

Behind all the drama, chaos and topsy turvy occurrences, Lennon is such a loving and kind person and in fact, I believe that every person walking the earth is so, but unfortunately some just make wrong unhealthy choices. The song that is supported by an orchestra feels like you are sleeping on the grass under a night full of shining stars. A magical night that ends perfectly and you sleep with a smile on your face. 

That sums up all the 10 songs on the playlist and The Beatles are no doubt one of the greatest of all time. Thank you Paul, John, Ringo and George for making our lives today much better with the presence of your music. Love you guys till the end of time. Cheers to The Beatles!


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