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Showing posts from March, 2015


I was laying down on the grass tonight looking up into the sky and all I saw were the stars that light up the dark cold night. It made me wonder how amazing that such a small thing like that could turn the whole dark sky bright. I laid down, started to ponder on life and I realised that even in our life, there are stars that light up our days and make a huge difference to us. Everyone will definitely have a special star that means the world to us. A star that can turn your world around and make you forget of all the challenges and miseries in life. Whenever we feel like there is no longer hope for us to go on, a star will always make sure that we keep on going until the end. Because our star believes in us so much that sometimes they believe in us more than they believe in themselves. A star that will do anything and will sacrifice their life for us no matter what the consequences are. The feeling of having a star around us is just too sweet and indescribable. No words can explain the